Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Care and Safety of Overhead Projectors

This posting covers occupational health and safety issues concerning overhead projectors. It is important in the care of overhead projectors to:
  • Avoid direct sunlight, as the heat may warp the Fresnel lens
  • Avoid carrying the projector by the arm or post
  • Keep the display as bright as possible by cleaning all the components in the light path, using a lint-free cloth and window cleaner
  • Replace damaged parts, e.g. a scratched lens
  • Make sure the main lamp works
  • Keep a spare lamp with the projector if that is your organisation's policy
  • Do not touch lamps with your bare hands, as this can shorten the lamp life
Ensure that the Fresnel lens is not warped or otherwise damaged and that it is installed the right way up. If it is not, the light will be concentrated through the centre of the image, and you will see projected a bright circle on a dark background.

If nothing is happening, you need to:
  • Make sure the projector is plugged into the power point, that the power is turned on, and that the 'on' switch is in the proper position.
  • Check if the lamp is burned out and needs replacing, and if the lamp-changing switch is positioned to the spare which is missing.
  • Close the lid properly, as the safety cut-out switch may be operating.
If a bright circle shows up on a dark background, you need to ensure that the Fresnel lens is installed the right way up.

If the picture is not showing up clearly, you need to clean any dirty component in the light path, e.g. stage, lenses, and check the Fresnel lens to see if it is warped.

If the whole image is blurred, you need to check the Fresnel lens to see if it is warped, if the projection arm is out of alignment or broken, and make sure the focus knob is operating correctly.

If no light is showing, you need to clean the Fresnel lens or top glass and replace old and darkened lamp.

By following these safety procedures, there should be no further problems.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Internet Access

Next month we will be introducing Internet access to our computers. The Internet Service provides information on job searches, real estate, banking and research on various topics for people doing assignments and a lot of other things.

The Internet allows you to create your own email address so that you can talk to your friends and you can watch your favourite TV shows (you just need to type the web address in the search box at the top of the screen and click on the 'search' button).

With the Internet you can download programs into your computer such as Limewire and ITunes, but here you will be able to look up information on a certain book and order things online once our computers are connected.

The Internet can also be used for entering competitions via a certain web address and upcoming events will sometimes have a website that you can explore.

Online study (correspondence) is also available if you live a long way from a school or TAFE, or if your local TAFE doesn't have the required Course of study you are looking for.

Our Internet Service will mainly be used for research for students doing assignments and other projects, and if our clients wish to locate information on a certain book, our computers will be of assistance, for Internet Explorer has many options available.

All clients are entitled to use our computers at any time and go online to obtain requested information to suit their needs, as our Internet Service will have much to offer.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Author Visit

At 1pm-3pm on November 3 2010 we will be having a special guest here at the library. Children's author, J.K. Rowling, writer of the Harry Potter books, will be talking to us about how her books have captured the hearts of children through many generations since her first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, made its debut in 2000. She will then be giving a speech on how that inspired her to write 6 more follow-up books, how they were published (for millions of copies of each book were sold in countries throughout the world), how the characters were created, and what inspired her to write.

This upcoming event will take place in the Children's section and all children and their parents are invited to come along. At the end of the session, J.K. Rowling will be giving out signed books for $20.00 to each child who attends and each child will be rewarded with a bookmark to go with the books.

Following the event, we will be providing an afternoon tea service in honour of our special guest, which will take place in the tea room at 2.30pm.

New Books Available

During the next few weeks we will be introducing some exciting new fiction titles here at Lakeview Public Library. They have just arrived and will be on display for several weeks. They are suited for different age levels. Popular new fiction titles include Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the Twilight series, Marley & Me, and many more. We hope readers find these entries interesting and enjoyable, as they range from different age levels and come in a variety of different genres, e.g. fantasy, romance, mystery, etc. They will be on display in the Fiction area of the library and they will be reasonably priced. The promotion will be available from October 3 - November 1 2010 during visiting hours.

The novels are all prizewinning fiction titles that have just been delivered to us and will be displayed on racks and spread out on a table. Each book will have a price tag attached either to it or beside it. We would like the public to come in and observe our new collection before it's too late. They will be entitled to browse through the collection and purchase books if they wish to buy any, as they are all very popular and are of good quality. Library patrons of all ages are welcome.

These books can either come in paperback or hardcover form and will be displayed in both formats (although not necessarily the same book title). Prices will range between $20.00-$30.00. There will be a total of 20 books on display, which readers will enjoy.